C++/Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++(Horowitz)

C++ Fundamentals of Data Structures(C++ 자료구조론) 2.3 연습문제 1~6

꾸준함. 2017. 7. 28. 14:34

[Exercises 1]


Use the six operations defined in this section for an ordered list to arrive at an ADT specification for such a list

이번 섹션에 언급된 여섯가지의 연산을 이용해 정렬된 리스트의 ADT를 작성해본다



//ADT를 작성할 때는 추상적으로 작성해야하지만 어쩌다보니 클래스를 정의하였다.(물론 문법적으로 틀린부분이 있을 수 있습니다)

class orderedList



        int *arr;

        int length;


        orderedList(int n):length(n)


               arr = new int[n];

               for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

                       arr[i] = 0; //0으로 전부 초기화


        int GetLength() //(1) Find the length, n, of the list(리스트의 길이를 반환)


               return length;


        void Print() //(2) Read the list from left to right(리스트의 처음부터 끝까지 출력)


               for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                       cout << arr[i] << " ";

               cout << endl;


        int GetElement(int i) //(3) Retrieve the ith element, 0<=i<n(i번째 데이터 반환)


               return arr[i];


        void StoreElement(int i, int newElement) //(4) Store a new value into the ith position, 0<=i<n(i번째 칸에 데이터를 입력)


               arr[i] = newElement;


        void AddElement(int i, int newElement) //(5) Insert a new element at the position i, 0<=i<n, causing elements numbered i, i+1, ..., n-1 to become numbered i+1, i+2, ... n

               //i번째 칸에 데이터를 입력하되 이미 데이터가 있는 경우 i번째 데이터를 덮어쓰지 않고 한칸씩 미뤄서 리스트의 크기가 +1 되도록 한다


               int *newArr;

               if (arr[i] != 0)


                       int newSize = length + 1;

                       newArr = new int[newSize]; //한칸씩 늘리고

                       for (int j = i; j < newSize - 1; j++)

                              arr[i + 1] = arr[i]; //한칸씩 미룬다

                       for (int i = 0; i < newSize - 1; i++)


                       newArr[i] = newElement;




                       arr[i] = newElement;



        void DeleteElement(int i) //(6) Delete the element at position i, 0<=i<n, causing elements numbered i+1, ..., n-1 to become numbered i, i+1, ..., n-2

               ////i번째 칸에 데이터를 삭제하되 i번째 데이터부터 한칸씩 땡겨서 삭제시킨다. 결과적으로 리스트의 크기가 -1 되도록 한다


               if (arr[i] == 0)




                       for (int j = i; j < length; j++)

                              arr[j] = arr[j + 1]; //한칸씩 땡긴다

                       int newSize = length - 1;

                       int *newArr = new int[newSize];

                       for (int i = 0; i < newSize; i++)

                              newArr[i] = arr[i];




[Exercises 2]


If a=(a0, ..., an-1) and b=(b0, ..., bm-1) are ordered lists,

a0~an-1까지의 데이터를 갖는 a 리스트와 b0~bm-1까지의 데이터를 갖는 b리스트가 정렬된 리스트들이라면

then a<b if ai=bi for 0<=i<j and aj<bj, or, if ai=bi, for 0<=i<n and n<m.

0<=i<j의 조건에서 ai=bi aj<bj의 조건이 동시에 만족하거나 0<=i<n n<m의 조건이 동시에 만족할 때 ai=bi이면 a<b이다.

Write a function that returns -1, 0, or +1, depending upon whether a<b, a=b, or a>b.

a<b일 때 -1, a=b일 때 0, a>b일 때 1을 반환하는 함수를 작성한다


#include <iostream>

#include <ctime>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;


class orderedList



        int *arr;

        int length;


        orderedList(int n) :length(n)


               arr = new int[n];

               for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

                       arr[i] = 0; //0으로 전부 초기화


        int GetLength() //(1) Find the length, n, of the list(리스트의 길이를 반환)


               return length;


        void Print() //(2) Read the list from left to right(리스트의 처음부터 끝까지 출력)


               for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                       cout << arr[i] << " ";

               cout << endl;


        int GetElement(int i) //(3) Retrieve the ith element, 0<=i<n(i번째 데이터 반환)


               return arr[i];


        void StoreElement(int i, int newElement) //(4) Store a new value into the ith position, 0<=i<n(i번째 칸에 데이터를 입력)


               arr[i] = newElement;


        void sort() //정렬


               for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)


                       for (int j = i + 1; j < length; j++)


                              if (arr[j] < arr[i])


                                      int temp = arr[i];

                                      arr[i] = arr[j];

                                      arr[j] = temp;





        int Compare(orderedList &b)


               int result = 0;

               for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)

                       if (arr[i] == b.arr[i])


               if (result == 0)


                       cout << "동일한 수가 없으므로 비교 불가" << endl;

                       return -1000;




                       if (length < b.length)

                              return -1;

                       else if (length == b.length)

                              return 0;


                              return 1;





int main(void)


        orderedList a(10), b(12);


        for (int i = 0; i < a.GetLength(); i++)

               a.StoreElement(i, rand() % 20 + 1);


        cout << "a 리스트: ";


        cout << endl;

        for (int i = 0; i < b.GetLength(); i++)

               b.StoreElement(i, rand() % 20 + 1);


        cout << "b 리스트: ";


        cout << endl;

        cout << "두 리스트를 비교했을 때: " << a.Compare(b) << endl;

        return 0;


[Exercises 3]


Modify function Add so that it reduces the size of c.termArray to c.terms prior to termination

함수를 종료하기 전에 c.termArray의 크기를 c.terms로 줄이도록 Add 함수를 수정해라.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


class Polynomial; //forward declaration


class Term


        friend Polynomial;


        float coef;

        int exp;



class Polynomial



        Term *termArray; //array of nonzero terms

        int capacity;

        int terms; //number of nonzero terms




               capacity = 1;

               terms = 0;

               termArray = new Term[capacity];


        void NewTerm(const float theCoeff, const int theExp)


               //Add a new term to the end of termArray

               if (terms == capacity)


                       //double capacity of termArray

                       capacity *= 2;

                       Term *temp = new Term[capacity]; //new array

                       copy(termArray, termArray + terms, temp);

                       delete[]termArray; //deallocate old memory

                       termArray = temp;


               termArray[terms].coef = theCoeff;

               termArray[terms++].exp = theExp;


        Polynomial Add(Polynomial b)


               //Return the sum of the polynomials *this and b

               Polynomial c;

               int aPos = 0, bPos = 0;

               while ((aPos < terms) && (bPos < b.terms))


                       if (termArray[aPos].exp == b.termArray[bPos].exp)


                              float t = termArray[aPos].coef + b.termArray[bPos].coef;

                              if (t)

                                      c.NewTerm(t, termArray[aPos].exp);




                       else if (termArray[aPos].exp < b.termArray[bPos].exp)


                              c.NewTerm(b.termArray[bPos].coef, b.termArray[bPos].exp);





                              c.NewTerm(termArray[aPos].coef, termArray[aPos].exp);




               //add in remaining terms of *this

               for (;aPos < terms; aPos++)

                       c.NewTerm(termArray[aPos].coef, termArray[aPos].exp);

               //add in remaining terms of b(x)

               for (;bPos < b.terms;bPos++)

                       c.NewTerm(termArray[bPos].coef, b.termArray[bPos].exp);


               //추가된 부분

               Term *temp = new Term[c.terms]; //new array

               copy(c.termArray, c.termArray + c.terms, temp);


               c.termArray = temp;


               return c;




[Exercises 4]


Write C++ functions to input and output polynomials represented as in this section.

이번 섹션에 표현된 다항식을 입력하고 출력하는 함수를 작성한다

Your function should overload the << and >> operators.

이 함수들은 <<, >> 연산자를 오버로드 시켜야한다


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


class Polynomial; //forward declaration


class Term


        friend Polynomial;

        friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Polynomial &c); //Term 클래스의 멤버 변수 참조 위해


        float coef;

        int exp;



class Polynomial



        Term *termArray; //array of nonzero terms

        int capacity;

        int terms; //number of nonzero terms




               capacity = 1;

               terms = 0;

               termArray = new Term[capacity];


        void NewTerm(const float theCoeff, const int theExp)


               //Add a new term to the end of termArray

               if (terms == capacity)


                       //double capacity of termArray

                       capacity *= 2;

                       Term *temp = new Term[capacity]; //new array

                       copy(termArray, termArray + terms, temp);

                       delete[]termArray; //deallocate old memory

                       termArray = temp;


               termArray[terms].coef = theCoeff;

               termArray[terms++].exp = theExp;


        Polynomial Add(Polynomial b)


               //Return the sum of the polynomials *this and b

               Polynomial c;

               int aPos = 0, bPos = 0;

               while ((aPos < terms) && (bPos < b.terms))


                       if (termArray[aPos].exp == b.termArray[bPos].exp)


                              float t = termArray[aPos].coef + b.termArray[bPos].coef;

                              if (t)

                                      c.NewTerm(t, termArray[aPos].exp);




                       else if (termArray[aPos].exp < b.termArray[bPos].exp)


                              c.NewTerm(b.termArray[bPos].coef, b.termArray[bPos].exp);





                              c.NewTerm(termArray[aPos].coef, termArray[aPos].exp);




               //add in remaining terms of *this

               for (;aPos < terms; aPos++)

                       c.NewTerm(termArray[aPos].coef, termArray[aPos].exp);

               //add in remaining terms of b(x)

               for (;bPos < b.terms;bPos++)

                       c.NewTerm(termArray[bPos].coef, b.termArray[bPos].exp);


               Term *temp = new Term[c.terms]; //new array

               copy(c.termArray, c.termArray + c.terms, temp);


               c.termArray = temp;


               return c;



        friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Polynomial &c);

        friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, Polynomial &c);



ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Polynomial &c)


        for(int i=0; i<c.terms; i++)

               os << c.termArray[i].coef << "x^(" << c.termArray[i].exp << ") " << " + ";

        os << endl;

        return os;



istream &operator>>(istream &is, Polynomial &c)


        float coef;

        int exp;

        int newTerms;

        cout << "입력할 개수: ";

        is >> newTerms;

        for (int i = 0; i < newTerms; i++)


               cout << "계수, 지수 입력: ";

               is >> coef >> exp;

               c.NewTerm(coef, exp);


        return is;



int main(void)


        Polynomial p1;

        cin >> p1;

        cout << "입력한 다항식: " << p1 << endl;

        return 0;


[Exercises 5]


Write a C++ function that multiplies two polynomials represented as in this secition.

이 섹션에서 표현한 두 다항식을 곱하는 함수를 작성한다.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


class Polynomial; //forward declaration


class Term


        friend Polynomial;

        friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Polynomial &c); //Term 클래스의 멤버 변수 참조 위해


        float coef;

        int exp;



class Polynomial



        Term *termArray; //array of nonzero terms

        int capacity;

        int terms; //number of nonzero terms




               capacity = 1;

               terms = 0;

               termArray = new Term[capacity];


        void NewTerm(const float theCoeff, const int theExp)


               //Add a new term to the end of termArray

               if (terms == capacity)


                       //double capacity of termArray

                       capacity *= 2;

                       Term *temp = new Term[capacity]; //new array

                       copy(termArray, termArray + terms, temp);

                       delete[]termArray; //deallocate old memory

                       termArray = temp;


               termArray[terms].coef = theCoeff;

               termArray[terms++].exp = theExp;


        Polynomial Add(Polynomial b)


               //Return the sum of the polynomials *this and b

               Polynomial c;

               int aPos = 0, bPos = 0;

               while ((aPos < terms) && (bPos < b.terms))


                       if (termArray[aPos].exp == b.termArray[bPos].exp)


                              float t = termArray[aPos].coef + b.termArray[bPos].coef;

                              if (t)

                                      c.NewTerm(t, termArray[aPos].exp);




                       else if (termArray[aPos].exp < b.termArray[bPos].exp)


                              c.NewTerm(b.termArray[bPos].coef, b.termArray[bPos].exp);





                              c.NewTerm(termArray[aPos].coef, termArray[aPos].exp);




               //add in remaining terms of *this

               for (;aPos < terms; aPos++)

                       c.NewTerm(termArray[aPos].coef, termArray[aPos].exp);

               //add in remaining terms of b(x)

               for (;bPos < b.terms;bPos++)

                       c.NewTerm(termArray[bPos].coef, b.termArray[bPos].exp);


               Term *temp = new Term[c.terms]; //new array

               copy(c.termArray, c.termArray + c.terms, temp);


               c.termArray = temp;


               return c;


        Polynomial Multiplication(Polynomial b) //곱셈


               Polynomial c;

               c.NewTerm(0, 0);

               for (int i = 0; i < terms; i++)


                       Polynomial temp;

                       for (int j = 0; j < b.terms; j++)


                              temp.NewTerm(termArray[i].coef*b.termArray[j].coef, termArray[i].exp+b.termArray[j].exp); //계수는 곱하고, 지수는 더하고



                       cout << endl << "temp: " << temp << endl;

                       cout << "c: " << c << endl;


                       c = c.Add(temp);


               for (int i = 0; i < c.terms; i++)


                       for (int j = i + 1; j < c.terms; j++)


                              if (c.termArray[i].exp == c.termArray[j].exp) //같은 지수일 떄 계수를 더하는 for


                                      c.termArray[i].coef += c.termArray[j].coef;

                                      c.termArray[j].coef = 0;




               return c;



        friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Polynomial &c);

        friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, Polynomial &c);



ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Polynomial &c)


        for (int i = 0; i<c.terms; i++)


                       os << c.termArray[i].coef << "x^(" << c.termArray[i].exp << ") " << "+" ;

        os << endl;

        return os;



istream &operator>>(istream &is, Polynomial &c)


        float coef;

        int exp;

        int newTerms;

        cout << "입력할 개수: ";

        is >> newTerms;

        for (int i = 0; i < newTerms; i++)


               cout << "계수, 지수 입력: ";

               is >> coef >> exp;

               c.NewTerm(coef, exp);


        return is;



int main(void)


        Polynomial p1, p2;

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)


               p1.NewTerm(i + 1, i + 1);


        cout << "p1 다항식: " << p1 << endl;

        for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)


               p2.NewTerm(i, i);


        cout << "p2 다항식: " << p2 << endl;

        Polynomial p3 = p1.Multiplication(p2);

        cout << "p1*p2: " << p3 << endl;

        return 0;


[Exercises 6]


Write a c++ function that evaluates a polynomial at a value x0 using the representation of this section

이 섹션에서 표현한 다항식에 x0를 대입했을 때의 결과값을 반환하는 함수를 작성하시오


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


class Polynomial; //forward declaration


class Term


        friend Polynomial;

        friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Polynomial &c); //Term 클래스의 멤버 변수 참조 위해


        float coef;

        int exp;



class Polynomial



        Term *termArray; //array of nonzero terms

        int capacity;

        int terms; //number of nonzero terms




               capacity = 1;

               terms = 0;

               termArray = new Term[capacity];


        void NewTerm(const float theCoeff, const int theExp)


               //Add a new term to the end of termArray

               if (terms == capacity)


                       //double capacity of termArray

                       capacity *= 2;

                       Term *temp = new Term[capacity]; //new array

                       copy(termArray, termArray + terms, temp);

                       delete[]termArray; //deallocate old memory

                       termArray = temp;


               termArray[terms].coef = theCoeff;

               termArray[terms++].exp = theExp;


        Polynomial Add(Polynomial b)


               //Return the sum of the polynomials *this and b

               Polynomial c;

               int aPos = 0, bPos = 0;

               while ((aPos < terms) && (bPos < b.terms))


                       if (termArray[aPos].exp == b.termArray[bPos].exp)


                              float t = termArray[aPos].coef + b.termArray[bPos].coef;

                              if (t)

                                      c.NewTerm(t, termArray[aPos].exp);




                       else if (termArray[aPos].exp < b.termArray[bPos].exp)


                              c.NewTerm(b.termArray[bPos].coef, b.termArray[bPos].exp);





                              c.NewTerm(termArray[aPos].coef, termArray[aPos].exp);




               //add in remaining terms of *this

               for (;aPos < terms; aPos++)

                       c.NewTerm(termArray[aPos].coef, termArray[aPos].exp);

               //add in remaining terms of b(x)

               for (;bPos < b.terms;bPos++)

                       c.NewTerm(termArray[bPos].coef, b.termArray[bPos].exp);


               Term *temp = new Term[c.terms]; //new array

               copy(c.termArray, c.termArray + c.terms, temp);


               c.termArray = temp;


               return c;


        Polynomial Multiplication(Polynomial b) //곱셈


               Polynomial c;

               c.NewTerm(0, 0);

               for (int i = 0; i < terms; i++)


                       Polynomial temp;

                       for (int j = 0; j < b.terms; j++)


                              temp.NewTerm(termArray[i].coef*b.termArray[j].coef, termArray[i].exp + b.termArray[j].exp); //계수는 곱하고, 지수는 더하고


                       c = c.Add(temp);


               return c;


        float Eval(float x) //x 대입했을 때 결과값


               float result = 0;

               for (int i = 0; i<terms; i++)


                       float temp = 1; //곱셈이므로 temp 1

                       for (int j = 0; j < termArray[i].exp; j++)

                              temp *= x; //지수 계산

                       result += (temp*termArray[i].coef);


               return result;



        friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Polynomial &c);

        friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, Polynomial &c);



ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Polynomial &c)


        for (int i = 0; i<c.terms; i++)

               if (c.termArray[i].coef != 0)

                       os << c.termArray[i].coef << "x^(" << c.termArray[i].exp << ") " << "+";

        os << endl;

        return os;



istream &operator>>(istream &is, Polynomial &c)


        float coef;

        int exp;

        int newTerms;

        cout << "입력할 개수: ";

        is >> newTerms;

        for (int i = 0; i < newTerms; i++)


               cout << "계수, 지수 입력: ";

               is >> coef >> exp;

               c.NewTerm(coef, exp);


        return is;



int main(void)


        Polynomial p1;

        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)


               p1.NewTerm(i + 1, i + 1);


        cout << "P1 다항식: " << p1 << endl;

        cout << "p1 다항식에 2를 대입할 경우: " << p1.Eval(2) << endl;

        return 0;


[참고] Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++(Horowitz, Sahni, Mehta) 원서

*영어로 적혀있는 문제를 제가 의역한 것이기 때문에 오역이 있을 수 있습니다. 양해 부탁드립니다.
