
백준 5666번 Hot Dogs

꾸준함. 2021. 5. 27. 01:44

문제 링크입니다: https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/5666


5666번: Hot Dogs

In 2012 a new world record was set in the famous Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Competition: the champion, Joey Chestnut, ate 68 hot dogs in ten minutes, an amazing increase from the 62 hot dogs eaten by the same Chestnut in 2011. Nathan’s Famous Corporation,


아마 출력 초과가 떠서 게시글에 들어오신 분들이 대다수일 것으로 예상합니다.

while (~scanf("%lf %lf", &H, &P)) 문법을 사용하면 해결이 됩니당



개발환경:Visual Studio 2017


지적, 조언, 질문 환영입니다! 댓글 남겨주세요~


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