
백준 6139번 Speed Reading

꾸준함. 2021. 5. 29. 03:16

문제 링크입니다: https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/6139


6139번: Speed Reading

The book has 10 pages; 3 cows are competing. The first cow reads at a rate of 2 pages per minute, can read for at most 4 minutes at a time, and must rest for 1 minute after reading. The second reads at a rate of 6 pages per minute, can read for at most 1 m


간단한 수학 문제였습니다.



개발환경:Visual Studio 2017


지적, 조언, 질문 환영입니다! 댓글 남겨주세요~


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