
백준 7601번 Outfits

꾸준함. 2021. 6. 15. 01:00

문제 링크입니다: https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/7601


7601번: Outfits

Becs and Cas are best friends. Cas left school when she was 16 as she has total fashion shopping skills, and became a manager at Supre. So, she and Becs get their clothes from Supre - and in fact they have always bought exactly what the other has (they are


Bec와 Cas의 옷장 순서는 동일하고 시작점은 반대



개발환경:Visual Studio 2017


지적, 조언, 질문 환영입니다! 댓글 남겨주세요~


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