C++/Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++(Horowitz)

C++ Fundamentals of Data Structures(C++ 자료구조론) 4.8 동치(Equivalence)

꾸준함. 2017. 8. 23. 13:48


동치 Equivalence


#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;


class ENode



        int data;

        ENode *link;

        ENode *link2; //link와 똑같은 역할을 하는 link2

        //link2가 없을 경우 동적할당한 메모리를 반환할 때 문제가 생긴다(몇몇 데이터들이 제거되지 않는다)


        ENode(int d = 0) //생성자


               data = d;

               link = 0;


        friend void Equivalence();



void Equivalence() //동치


        ifstream inFile("equiv.txt", ios::in);

        if (!inFile)


               cout << "파일을 열 수 없습니다" << endl;




        int i, j, n;

        inFile >> n;


        ENode **first = new ENode*[n];

        bool *out = new bool[n];


        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) //초기화


               first[i] = 0;

               out[i] = false;



        while (inFile.good()) //파일 끝이 아닐 때까지


               inFile >> i >> j;


               ENode *x = new ENode(j); //first[i] j 추가

               x->link = first[i];

               x->link2 = first[i]; //복사해놓는다

               first[i] = x;


               ENode *y = new ENode(i); //first[j] i 추가

               y->link = first[j];

               y->link2 = first[j]; //복사해놓는다

               first[j] = y;



        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


               if (out[i] == false)


                       cout << endl << "새로운 클래스: " << i;

                       out[i] = true;

                       ENode *x = first[i];

                       ENode *top = 0; //스택 초기화

                       while (1) //같은 클래스에 있는 노드들을 찾는다


                              while (x) //x 0일 때까지


                                      j = x->data;

                                      if (out[j] == false)


                                              cout << ", " << j;

                                              out[j] = true;

                                              ENode *y = x->link;

                                              x->link = top;

                                              top = x;

                                              x = y;



                                              x = x->link;


                              if (!top)

                                      break; //스택이 비었을 경우 빠져나온다



                                      x = first[top->data];

                                      top = top->link;





        cout << endl;


        cout << endl << "동적할당한 first[i] 반환 " << endl;

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)


               while (first[i])


                       if (first[i]->data<0) //data가 존재하지 않을 때 빠져나온다


                              cout << "0";



                       cout << first[i]->data;

                       ENode *delNode = first[i];

                       first[i] = delNode->link2;

                       if (first[i])

                              cout << " -> ";

                       delete delNode;


               cout << endl;






int main(void)



        return 0;




[참고] Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++(Horowitz, Sahni, Mehta) 원서, https://www.quora.com/What-does-the-following-mean-in-C++-1-ios-out-2-ios-in-3-ios-app-4-ios-binary-etchttp://blog.naver.com/shimchan2/70008915839

*영어로 적혀있는 문제를 제가 의역한 것이기 때문에 오역이 있을 수 있습니다. 양해 부탁드립니다.

*ios::in, fstream에 관한 내용은 quora 링크에서 참고했습니다

*책에서는 first[i]=new ENode(j, first[i]);라는 코드가 나왔는데 실행이 되지 않아 블로그를 참고하여 코드를 수정했습니다
