학교 과제

c++로 작성한 후위연산 계산기

꾸준함. 2017. 12. 29. 22:55

자료구조 프로그래밍 과목을 배우면서 c++로 작성한 Postfix Calculator입니다.


#ifndef POSTFIX_H

#define POSTFIX_H


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


#define ID 257

#define NUM 258

#define EQ 259

#define NE 260

#define GE 261

#define LE 262

#define AND 263

#define OR 264

#define UMINUS 265


#define MAXLEN 80


struct Expression


        char *str;

        int pos;

        int len;

        Expression(char *s) :str(s), pos(0)


               for (len = 0; str[len] != '\0'; len++);




struct Token


        int type;

        char *str;

        int len;

        int ival;

        bool operator==(char);

        bool operator!=(char);



        Token(char, char, int);

        Token(char*, int, int);

        bool IsOperand();



//Stack 정의

template <typename T>

class Stack



        T *stack;

        int top;

        int capacity;


        Stack(int stackCapacity = 10);

        bool isEmpty() const;

        T &Top() const;

        void Push(const T &item);

        T &Pop();



ostream &operator<<(ostream &, Token);

ostream &operator<<(ostream &, Expression);

Token NextToken(Expression &, bool);

void Postfix(Expression e);




#include "post.h"

#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;


template <typename T>

Stack<T>::Stack(int stackCapacity) :capacity(stackCapacity)


        if (capacity < 1)

               throw "Stack capcity must be >0";

        stack = new T[capacity];

        top = -1;



template <typename T>

inline bool Stack<T>::isEmpty() const


        return top == -1;



template <typename T>

inline T &Stack<T>::Top() const


        if (isEmpty())

               throw "Stack is empty";

        return stack[top];



template <typename T>

void ChangeSize1D(T *& a, const int oldSize, const int newSize)


        if (newSize < 0)

               throw "New length must be >=0";


        T *temp = new T[newSize];

        int number = min(oldSize, newSize);

        copy(a, a + number, temp);


        a = temp;



template <typename T>

void Stack<T>::Push(const T &x)


        if (top == capacity - 1)


               ChangeSize1D(stack, capacity, 2 * capacity);

               capacity *= 2;


        stack[++top] = x;



template <typename T>

T &Stack<T>::Pop()


        T &del = stack[top];

        if (isEmpty())

               throw "Stack is empty. Cannot delete.";


        return del;



bool Token::operator==(char b)


        return (len == 1 && str[0] == b); //같다는 것은 문자길이가 1이면서 같은 문자



bool Token::operator!=(char b)


        return (len != 1 || str[0] != b); //문자길이가 1이 아니거나 같은 문자가 아닐 때







Token::Token(char c) :len(1), type(c) //길이가 1인 연산자 혹은 피연산자


        str = new char[1];

        str[0] = c;



Token::Token(char c, char c2, int ty) :len(2), type(ty) //길이가 2인 연산자


        str = new char[2];

        str[0] = c;

        str[1] = c2;



Token::Token(char *arr, int l, int ty = ID) :len(l), type(ty) //피연산자 길이가 2 이상일 때


        str = new char[len + 1];

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)

               str[i] = arr[i];

        str[len] = '\0';

        if (type == NUM)


               ival = arr[0] - '0';

               for (int i = 1; i < len; i++)

                       ival = ival * 10 + arr[i] - '0';


        else if (type == ID)

               ival = 0;


               throw "must be ID or NUM";



bool Token::IsOperand() //피연산자인가


        return type == ID || type == NUM;



ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, Token t)


        if (t.type == UMINUS)

               os << "-u";

        else if (t.type == NUM)

               os << t.ival;


               for (int i = 0; i < t.len; i++)

                       os << t.str[i];

        os << " ";

        return os;



ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, Expression e)


        for (int i = 0; i < e.len; i++)

               os << e.str[i];

        os << endl;

        return os;



bool GetID(Expression &e, Token &tok) //IsAlpha


        char arr[MAXLEN];

        int idlen = 0;

        char c = e.str[e.pos];

        if (!(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A'&&c <= 'Z')) //알파벳이 아니면 거짓

               return false;

        arr[idlen++] = c; //배열에 저장하고


        c = e.str[e.pos]; //다음 문자

        while (c >= 'a'&&c <= 'z' || c >= 'A'&&c <= 'Z' || c >= '0'&&c <= '9') //알파벳이거나 숫자인 경우에만


               arr[idlen++] = c;



        arr[idlen] = '\0'; //문자열의 마지막은 개행

        tok = Token(arr, idlen, ID);

        return true;



bool GetINT(Expression &e, Token &tok) //IsDigit


        //GetID와 비슷하게

        char arr[MAXLEN];

        int len = 0;

        char c = e.str[e.pos];

        if (!(c >= '0' &&  c <= '9')) //숫자가 아니면 거짓

               return false;

        arr[len++] = c;


        while ((c = e.str[e.pos]) >= '0' && c <= '9') //숫자일경우에만


               arr[len++] = c;



        arr[len] = '\0';

        tok = Token(arr, len);

        return true;



void SkipBlanks(Expression &e) //공백을 넘어가는 함수


        char c;

        while (e.pos < e.len && ((c = e.str[e.pos]) == ' ' || c == '\t'))




bool TwoCharOp(Expression &e, Token &tok) //길이가 2인 연산자


        char c = e.str[e.pos];

        char c2 = e.str[e.pos + 1];

        int op;

        if (c == '<'&&c2 == '=')

               op = LE;

        else if (c == '>'&&c2 == '=')

               op = GE;

        else if (c == '='&&c2 == '=')

               op = EQ;

        else if (c == '!'&&c2 == '=')

               op = NE;

        else if (c == '&'&&c2 == '&')

               op = AND;

        else if (c == '|'&&c2 == '|')

               op = OR;

        else if (c == '~' && c2 == 'u')

               op = UMINUS;


               return false;

        tok = Token(c, c2, op);

        e.pos += 2;

        return true;



bool OneCharOp(Expression &e, Token &tok) //길이가 1인 연산자


        //주의:나머지 연산자 %는 실수 operand를 사용 못함

        char c = e.str[e.pos];

        if (c == '-' || c == '!' || c == '*' || c == '/' || c == '%' || c == '+' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '=')


               tok = Token(c);


               return true;


        return false;



Token NextToken(Expression &e, bool INFIX = true) //다음 Token을 반환하는 함수


        static bool oprrFound = true; //전에 연산자를 발견되었다고 가정

        Token tok;


        if (e.pos == e.len) //끝에 도달


               if (INFIX)

                       oprrFound = true;

               return Token('#');


        if (GetID(e, tok) || GetINT(e, tok)) //피연산자의 경우


               if (INFIX)

                       oprrFound = false; //연산자가 아니므로 false

               return tok;


        if (TwoCharOp(e, tok) || OneCharOp(e, tok)) //연산자의 경우


               if (tok.type == '-' && INFIX && oprrFound)

                       tok = Token('-', 'u', UMINUS);

               if (INFIX)

                       oprrFound = true;

               return tok;


        throw "Illegal Character Found";



int icp(Token &t) //in-coming priority


        //t.type '(' 0, UMINUS '!' 1, '*' '/' '%' 2,

        //'+' '-' 3, '<' '>' LE GE 4, EQ NE 5

        //AND 6, OR이면 7, '='이면 9, '#' 10 return

        if (t.type == '(')

               return 0;

        else if (t.type == UMINUS || t.type == '!')

               return 1;

        else if (t.type == '*' || t.type == '/' || t.type == '%')

               return 2;

        else if (t.type == '+' || t.type == '-')

               return 3;

        else if (t.type == '<' || t.type == '>' || t.type == LE || t.type == GE)

               return 4;

        else if (t.type == EQ || t.type == NE)

               return 5;

        else if (t.type == AND)

               return 6;

        else if (t.type == OR)

               return 7;

        else if (t.type == '=')

               return 9;

        else if (t.type == '#')

               return 10;



int isp(Token &t) //in-stack priority


        // '(' 경우 0, 기타의 경우 icp(t) return

        if (t.type == '(')

               return 9;

        else if (t.type == UMINUS || t.type == '!')

               return 1;

        else if (t.type == '*' || t.type == '/' || t.type == '%')

               return 2;

        else if (t.type == '+' || t.type == '-')

               return 3;

        else if (t.type == '<' || t.type == '>' || t.type == LE || t.type == GE)

               return 4;

        else if (t.type == EQ || t.type == NE)

               return 5;

        else if (t.type == AND)

               return 6;

        else if (t.type == OR)

               return 7;

        else if (t.type == '=')

               return 9;

        else if (t.type == '#')

               return 10;



void Postfix(Expression e) //후위연산자로 변환해주는 함수


        Stack<Token> stack;


        for (Token x = NextToken(e); x != '#' ; x = NextToken(e))


               if (x.IsOperand()) //피연산자라면

                       cout << x;

               else if (x == ')') //괄호라면


                       for (;stack.Top() != '(';stack.Pop()) //앞에 괄호까지 출력하면서 Pop

                              cout << stack.Top();





                       for (;isp(stack.Top()) <= icp(x); stack.Pop()) //앞에 들어올 연산자의 우선순위가 현재 연산자의 우선순위보다 작으면 출력 후 Pop

                              cout << stack.Top();




        while (stack.Top() != '#') //#을 출력하지 않기 위해 바꾼 문장


               cout << stack.Top();



        cout << endl;



#include <iostream>

#include "post.h"

using namespace std;


int main(void)


        char line[MAXLEN];

        while (cin.getline(line, MAXLEN))


               Expression e(line); //line 버퍼를 이용





               catch (char const *msg)


                       cerr << "Exception: " << msg << endl;



        return 0;



개발환경:Visual Studio 2017

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